Monday 20 March 2023

An intelligent routing approach for multimedia traffic transmission over SDN


An intelligent routing approach for multimedia traffic transmission over SDN

Turner, S.Al Jameel, M.Kanakis, T.Al-Sherbaz, A. and Bhaya, W.


Nowadays, multimedia applications such as video streaming services have become significantly popular, especially with the rapid growth of users, various devices, and the increased availability and diversity of these services over the internet. In this case, service providers and network administrators have difficulties ensuring end-user satisfaction because the traffic generated by such services is more exposed to multiple network quality of service impairments, including bandwidth, delay, jitter, and loss ratio. This paper proposes an intelligent-based multimedia traffic routing framework that exploits the integration of a reinforcement learning technique with software-defined networking to explore, learn and find potential routes for video streaming traffic. Simulation results through a realistic network and under various traffic loads demonstrate the proposed scheme's effectiveness in providing a better end-user viewing quality, higher throughput and lower video quality switches when compared to the existing techniques.


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