Wednesday 31 August 2022

Investigating conference's nature using twitter sentiment analysis


Investigating the nature of the conference SocmedHE21 using sentiment analysis


Zara Sanni 

Nuffield Placement Researcher




SocMedHE started in 2015 with the goal of using social media to open up more higher education learning spaces online.

SocMedHE, standing for Social Media for Learning in Higher Education, is an online workshop focused on developing a social media workshop. For this investigation I am using twitter data from SocMedHE21 to investigate the nature of the conference, based in part on sentiment analysis. Sentiment analysis is also known as opinion mining, it’s a natural language processing technique used to determine whether data is positive, negative, or neutral. It’s an artificial intelligence which uses certain algorithms to categorise what a person may think about a certain topic. I will be using it on the SocMedHE21 data to see whether the conference on a whole was seen as positive or negative.




The data was provided through a twitter archiving google sheet, TAGS.TAGS is a twitter scraping tool allowing you to automatically collect tweets into a google sheet from either specific people, hashtags, or search items.



 Using TAGS, #SocMedHE21 was put into the search bar. There was a follower minimum count of 0 so we could observe as much data as possible and the maximum number of tweets being 3000, between a time range of December 6th, 2021 and January 24th, 2022. The number of tweets using the SocMedHE hashtag was 419 and the number of unique tweets was 377, which is very close to the actual number of tweets which indicates to some sort of conversation and discussion happening between twitter users.


TAGSExplorer is an interactive version of the twitter conversations gathered where graphing is used to visually present the data. Using this I was able to see all the connections between the twitter users. The picture shows the names of all the users involved in the SocMedHE22 conversation; the bigger the name, the more connections and conversations the person had with other people. When you click on a person's username you can see all the tweets, they’ve made in regards to SocMedHE21 and their replies and mentions. Here you can see that the top conversationalist isn’t the official SocMedHE account that I expected, instead it was one of the conference attendees.


Using the TAGSExplorer arch, I was able to look at the activity of users between the dates given above and found, as expected, a lot of discourse in December, on December 14th and the few days following but there did continue to be conversation happening some time after. There were at least a couple tweets fortnightly on twitter most of which were for a particular person or from a bot (an autonomous program on the internet or a network that can interact with systems or users) showing results from an weekly run of another social media analysis tool NodeXL. What was of interest was that the people named in the tweet were happy to retweet that tweet. I do think there is a positive correlation between twitter likes and mentions, specifically with, but not limited to, the official SocMedHE account. as most of the conference attendees would be following it any interaction with the account is more likely to be seen especially because the community involved in this conference are such conversationalists and the official account itself does also interact and retweet with the community.



LTHEchat is a weekly learning and teaching in higher education chat where brainstorming in virtual learning spaces allows for conversations and the sharing of ideas to individuals in the education sector. Many of the LTHEchat community attended the SocMedHE conference so, using the words collected I chose the first 150 as they have all been used at least 10 times, making sure I factored in for spelling mistakes, adding misspelt words of the same nature together. Using sentiment analysis, I labelled the words either neutral positive or negative; for example, names of people have been labelled as neutral but words such as creative, change, and better positive. I didn’t find any words to label as negative which shows the nature of the conversation to be beneficial and enthusiastic of the topics discussed in the conference and what is to come of it. Of the 2992 words sampled, I marked 1152 of them as positive which counts to 38.5%. after doing this I converted the data into a CSV file and put it into wordart to create a word cloud with the most used words. I gave positive words the colour green and the neutral words I made black.


After using sentiment analysis to look at the data, I can conclude that the nature of the SocMedHE conference to be a positive one in which people are conversing in a productive way, carrying on conversations months after the conference which shows …

Next, to continue and further this research I think we should look at alternative software to sentiment analysis to analyse the data and see if the results are still the same. For example, Amazon Comprehend is a text analysis software that users can use to ‘find insights and relationships in text”, it identifies key phrases, people, events etc and can determine whether it is positive or negative. This is a much more thorough and in-depth way to analyse the data and will also allow us to see things we may have missed due to limiting factors.







Thursday 25 August 2022

Recent clustering paper

 Zhou, Bing, Lu, Bei and Saeidlou, Salman 2022. A hybrid clustering method based on the several diverse basic clustering and meta-clustering aggregation technique. Cybernetics and Systems. 53 (7), pp. 1-27.

A hybrid clustering method based on the several diverse basic clustering and meta-clustering aggregation technique


In hybrid clustering, several basic clustering is first generated and then for the clustering aggregation, a function is used in order to create a final clustering that is similar to all the basic clustering as much as possible. The input of this function is all basic clustering and its output is a clustering called clustering agreement. However, this claim is correct if some conditions are met. This study has provided a hybrid clustering method. This study has used the basic k-means clustering method as a basic cluster. Also, this study has increased the diversity of consensus by adopting some measures. Here, the aggregation process of the basic clusters is done by the meta-clustering technique, where the primary clusters are re-clustered to form the final clusters. The proposed hybrid clustering method has the advantages of k-means, its high speed, as well as it does not have its major weaknesses, the inability to detect non-spherical and non-uniform clusters. In the empirical studies, we have evaluated the proposed hybrid clustering method with other up-to-date and robust clustering methods on the different datasets and compared them. According to the simulation results, the proposed hybrid clustering method is stronger than other clustering methods.

Keywords Artificial intelligence; Information systems; Software; Aggregation techniques; Diversity of clustering; Hybrid clustering; Meta-clustering

Year 2022

Journal Cybernetics and Systems

Journal citation 53 (7), pp. 1-27

Publisher Taylor & Francis

ISSN 0196-9722


Digital Object Identifier (DOI)

Official URL


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Tuesday 16 August 2022

Analysis of expertise in intelligence analysis for human-centered AI

Recently published paper 

S. Hepenstal, L. Zhang and B. L. William Wong, "An analysis of expertise in intelligence analysis to support the design of Human-Centered Artificial Intelligence," 2021 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC), 2021, pp. 107-112, doi: 10.1109/SMC52423.2021.9659095.



Intelligence analysis involves unpredictable processes and decision making about complex domains where analysts rely upon expertise. Artificial Intelligence (AI) systems could support analysts as they perform analysis tasks, to enhance their expertise. However, systems must also be cognisant about how expertise is gained and designed so that this is not impinged. In this paper, we describe the results of Cognitive Task Analysis interviews with 6 experienced intelligence analysts. We capture themes, in terms of their decision making paths during an analysis task, and highlight how each theme is both influenced by expertise and an influence upon expertise. We also identify important interdependencies between themes. We propose that our findings can be used to help design Human-Centered AI (HCAI) systems for supporting intelligence analysts.

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